

United Airlines Transfer Ticket To Another Person

Melani Syihab
5/03/23, 11:48 WIB Last Updated 2023-05-03T04:48:16Z

When it comes to air travel, situations may arise where you need to transfer your United Airlines tickets to another person. Whether it is due to a change of plans or a last-minute emergency, knowing how to transfer your tickets can save you both time and money.

United Airlines Transfer Ticket To Another Person

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to transfer United Airlines tickets to another person, as well as important considerations to keep in mind.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring United Airlines Tickets

The step-by-step guide to transferring United Airlines tickets involves several key steps that must be followed in order to successfully transfer your ticket to another person. These steps include:

1. Accessing the United Airlines website or mobile app

To begin the process of transferring your tickets, you must first access the United Airlines website or mobile app. If you do not already have an account, you will need to create one before proceeding.

2. Entering the confirmation number and passenger name

Once you have logged in, you will need to enter the confirmation number and passenger name for the reservation you wish to transfer.

3. Selecting the reservation to be transferred

After entering the required information, you will be taken to a page displaying all of your upcoming reservations. Select the reservation you wish to transfer.

4. Choosing the Transfer reservation option

Next, click on the "Transfer reservation" option located on the reservation details page.

5. Entering the new passenger's information

You will now need to enter the new passenger's information, including their name and contact information. Be sure to double-check all information for accuracy to avoid further problems.

6. Reviewing the information and completing the transfer

Before finalizing the transfer, review all information to ensure accuracy. Once you are satisfied, click "Complete Transfer" to finalize the transaction.

Important Considerations

Important considerations are factors that must be taken into account when transferring United Airlines tickets to another person. These considerations include:

1. Not all tickets are transferable

It is important to note that not all United Airlines tickets are transferable. Before attempting to transfer a ticket, check the terms and conditions of your specific fare class to determine if transfers are permitted.

2. Certain fare classes may have restrictions or fees associated with them

Some fare classes may have restrictions or fees associated with transferring tickets. Before initiating a transfer, be sure to check for any additional fees or restrictions that may apply.

3. New passengers are subject to the same terms and conditions of the original ticket

When a ticket is transferred, the new passenger is subject to the same terms and conditions of the original ticket. This includes baggage allowances, seat assignments, and any other restrictions or limitations.


In conclusion, transferring United Airlines tickets to another person can be a convenient option when situations arise that prevent you from using your reservation. By following our step-by-step guide and keeping important considerations in mind, you can easily transfer your tickets with ease. Remember to review the terms and conditions before completing the transfer to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

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  • United Airlines Transfer Ticket To Another Person


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