

WeTransfer Free vs WeTransfer Pro A Comprehensive Guide

Melani Syihab
4/27/23, 11:09 WIB Last Updated 2023-04-27T04:09:17Z

In today's fast-paced digital world, file-sharing is an integral part of our daily lives. Whether you're sending work-related documents, sharing photos with friends and family, or collaborating on a project, the ability to transfer large files quickly and easily is crucial. WeTransfer is one of the most popular file-sharing services available, offering users a simple, user-friendly platform to share files with ease.

WeTransfer Free vs WeTransfer Pro

WeTransfer is a cloud-based file-sharing service that allows users to send files up to 2GB in size with the free version and up to 20GB with the Pro version. It was founded in 2009 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and has since become one of the most popular file-sharing services on the web.

With the rise of remote work, collaboration has become increasingly important, and file-sharing has become an essential tool for people to work together effectively. From sharing documents with colleagues to sending large files to friends and family, file-sharing has become an integral part of our daily lives.

The purpose of this article is to provide readers with an in-depth guide to WeTransfer, WeTransfer Free, and WeTransfer Pro, exploring their features and benefits, and helping readers determine which option is right for their specific needs.


WeTransfer is a simple, user-friendly platform that allows users to send files up to 2GB in size for free. The service is entirely web-based, which means that users do not need to download any software to use it.


WeTransfer is a cloud-based file transfer service that allows users to send large files up to 2GB in size for free and up to 20GB with a paid subscription. Some of the features of WeTransfer include:

Free file-sharing

With the free version of WeTransfer, users can share files up to 2GB in size with up to 20 recipients at a time.

Simple user-interface

WeTransfer has a straightforward user interface that is easy to navigate, making it a great option for people who may not be very tech-savvy.

2GB file transfer limit

With the free version of WeTransfer, users can send files up to 2GB in size. This should be enough for most people's needs, but those who need to transfer larger files may need to upgrade to WeTransfer Pro.

No registration required

Unlike some file-sharing services, WeTransfer does not require users to register for an account before they can use the service.


WeTransfer is a popular file-sharing service that offers several benefits, including:

Ease of use

WeTransfer is a straightforward platform that is easy to use, even for those who may not be very tech-savvy.

No account required

With WeTransfer, users can share files without having to create an account, which is a big plus for those who value their privacy.

Fast file transfer

WeTransfer is known for its fast file transfer speeds, making it an ideal option for those who need to send files quickly.

Free of charge

The free version of WeTransfer is entirely free of charge, which is another big plus for those who are looking for a cost-effective file-sharing solution.

WeTransfer Free

WeTransfer Free is similar to WeTransfer, but it comes with a few extra features that users may find useful.


2GB file transfer limit

With WeTransfer Free, users can send files up to 2GB in size, just like with the free version of WeTransfer.

No registration required

As with WeTransfer, users do not need to register for an account to use WeTransfer

WeTransfer Pro

WeTransfer Pro is a paid version of the WeTransfer file-sharing platform designed for businesses, creative professionals, and other users who require more advanced features and greater flexibility in file transfer.


WeTransfer Pro offers several additional features that are not available in the free version. Some of the key features of WeTransfer Pro include:

1.       20GB file transfer limit  

With WeTransfer Pro, you can transfer files up to 20GB in size, which is ten times the limit of the free version.

2.       Customizable backgrounds and logos

You can personalize your WeTransfer Pro account with your own branding and logos, giving your transfers a more professional look.

3.       Password protection

You can add password protection to your transfers to ensure that only authorized recipients can access them.

4.       Transfer manager

WeTransfer Pro includes a transfer manager that allows you to monitor and manage your transfers, including the ability to pause, resume, or cancel transfers as needed.


WeTransfer Pro offers a number of benefits that make it an attractive option for businesses and other users who require a more robust file-sharing solution. Some of the benefits of WeTransfer Pro include:

Increased file transfer limit

With a 20GB file transfer limit, WeTransfer Pro enables you to transfer large files quickly and easily, without the need for multiple transfers or compression.

Professional branding options

The ability to customize your transfers with your own branding and logos can help to create a more professional image for your business.

Secure file sharing

With password protection and other security features, WeTransfer Pro provides a secure way to share sensitive files and data.

Transfer management capabilities

The transfer manager in WeTransfer Pro allows you to keep track of your transfers and manage them as needed, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

WeTransfer Free vs WeTransfer Pro

WeTransfer is a cloud-based file transfer service that allows users to send large files up to 2GB for free or up to 20GB with a WeTransfer Pro account.

WeTransfer Free is the basic version of the service, which offers users the ability to send files up to 2GB for free. With WeTransfer Free, users can upload their files to WeTransfer's servers and share a link to download the files with the recipient.

A. File transfer limit

One of the key differences between WeTransfer Free and WeTransfer Pro is the file transfer limit. While the free version allows you to transfer files up to 2GB in size, WeTransfer Pro offers a much larger limit of 20GB.

B. Customization options

Another major difference between the two versions is the customization options. With WeTransfer Pro, you can add your own branding and logos to your transfers, which is not possible with the free version.

C. Security features

WeTransfer Pro also offers additional security features, such as password protection, which are not available in the free version.

D. Price comparison

Of course, one of the biggest differences between WeTransfer Free and WeTransfer Pro is the price. WeTransfer Free is completely free to use, while WeTransfer Pro requires a subscription fee.

Which Option Is Right for You?

Now that we have discussed the different features and benefits of WeTransfer, WeTransfer Free, and WeTransfer Pro, you might be wondering which option is the best fit for your needs. Let's take a look at some common use cases and determine which option would be most appropriate.

A. Personal Use

If you are looking to transfer files for personal use, such as sending photos to family or sharing a video with friends, then WeTransfer Free is likely the best option for you. With its 2GB file transfer limit and easy-to-use interface, it's a great way to quickly and easily send files without any hassle.

B. Professional Use

For professionals who need to send large files regularly, such as graphic designers or video editors, WeTransfer Pro is the better choice. With its 20GB file transfer limit, customizable backgrounds and logos, and password protection, it's perfect for businesses and freelancers who need to send files securely and with a professional touch.

C. Collaborative Projects

If you're working on a collaborative project with a team, WeTransfer Pro's transfer manager makes it easy to keep track of who has downloaded and uploaded files. Plus, with its customizable branding options, you can make sure your team stays on-brand with every file transfer. For smaller teams, WeTransfer Free could be a good option as well.


In conclusion, WeTransfer is an excellent choice for those looking to transfer files quickly and easily. With WeTransfer Free, you get a simple and user-friendly interface, fast file transfer speeds, and the ability to transfer up to 2GB of files for free. WeTransfer Pro takes things to the next level with its increased file transfer limit, customizable branding options, and secure file sharing features.

No matter which option you choose, you can rest assured that WeTransfer is a reliable and trusted file transfer service that will get your files where they need to go. So next time you need to send large files, give WeTransfer a try and experience the benefits for yourself!

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  • WeTransfer Free vs WeTransfer Pro A Comprehensive Guide


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