

WeTransfer Pro, Premium Large File Sender

Melani Syihab
12/26/22, 22:21 WIB Last Updated 2022-12-26T15:21:27Z

Have you ever had trouble sending large files? WeTransfer is ready to handle your difficulties quickly. You can submit files online via www.WeTransfer.com.


WeTransfer Pro, Premium Large File Sender

If you want to send a file in a larger size, you can use WeTransfers pro or WeTransper Premium which supports sending files in a larger size using an easier method and the sending process is faster.


By using WeTransfer pro or WeTransfer Premium the process of sending files anywhere and in any file form such as videos or other document files can be delivered quickly.


The difference between WeTransfer Free, WeTransfer Pro, and WeTransfer Premium

There are several types of WeTransfer services that can be used according to your file transfer needs, including super WeTransferfree, WeTransfer Pro, and WeTransfer Premium.


These three types of services have different specifications and prices according to the quality of service and delivery capacity that you can use.


WeTransfer Free

If you want to send files occasionally that is not that big in size, you can use WeTransfer for free. However, there is a limit to the storage capacity provided, which is only 2 Giga Bytes.


Then the storage file on WeTransfer for free only lasts for 7 days, and those who need the file can Wetransfer download it within 7 days after the data is sent.


WeTransfer Pro

Meanwhile, if you want to send a file that is quite large, you can use WeTransfer Pro, which can send files up to 200GB in one go online. If you want to send files via WeTransfer 4 GB, you can use the Wetransfer pro feature to make it more economical.


The storage capacity provided by WeTransfer pro is up to 1 Tera Byte with 1 portal and unlimited reviews.


The price you need to pay to get the WeTransfer pro service is 10 US Dollars per month for 1 account which will be billed every month it is due.


However, if the account is used by a team, then each user will be charged a rate of 120 dollars per year per person.


WeTransfer Premium

Meanwhile, for those who want to be flexible in sending files without any limitations on the size of your shipment, you can use WeTransfer Premium, which can send files without any restrictions at all, as well as you can save files with unlimited storage quotas.


Likewise with unlimited portals and reviews so you can freely save files of any size.


To get the premium WeTransfer feature you have to pay 19 US dollars per month for 1 user. Meanwhile, if used by a team, each person will be charged a bill of 228 US dollars for 1 year.


How To Register WeTransfer Pro or Premium

After you understand the types of WeTransfer, if you are interested in using Wetransparent you can learn how to register WeTransfer pro or WeTransfer premium via the instructions as below:

  1. Visit the www.wetransfer.com site via Browser
  2. In the menu bar above, select the Pricing menu
  3. If you want to use WeTransfer pro, select the sign-up menu
  4. Then create an account by writing an email address, and username and creating a password then click the create transfer account button.
  5. Follow the next steps according to the WeTransfer request until WeTransfer registration is successful.
  6. If the registration process is complete, you will get a payment code that can be paid via Paypal or a card using a credit card such as Mastercard, Visa, or other types of cards that already support online payment systems in several countries.


If the WeTransfer Pro payment is successful, then now you already have a WeTransfer Pro account with usage limits as we have explained above.


How To Send Large Files Via WeTransfer Pro

For those who are still confused about how to send large files via WeTransfer Pro, let's follow the steps on how to send files using WeTransfer Pro as follows:

  1. Go to the WeTransfer page.
  2. Click the Add your files button.
  3. Fill in the recipient's email address.
  4. Fill in your own email address to confirm.
  5. Add a message (optional).
  6. Click the Transfer button.
  7. File sending via WeTransferpro is complete.


That's a discussion about tools for sending large files using WeTransfer Pro or WeTransfer Premium which can send unlimited larger files. Good luck and hope this is useful.

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  • WeTransfer Pro, Premium Large File Sender


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